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BAC Levels & Effects : Blood Alcohol Concentration Levels Chart (2025)

Wondering how much your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) affects you? Are you having some alcohol-related problems? Or just concerned that you may be drinking too much at home. As we enter celebratory periods in 2024 these concerns may be especially top of mind. If you’re not feeling adverse effects at higher levels of consumption levels, […]

Are You Drinking Too Much? Moderate vs. Heavy Drinking: Key Definitions and Percentages

Moderate vs. Heavy Drinking If you’ve come here after searching on the topic of moderate drinking, it’s likely that you’re wondering about your drinking and whether or not you should cut back to reduce alcohol-related problems or risks for problems. If you’ve not read the previous post I recommend doing so as they build on […]

How to Deal with Alcohol Cravings: 16 Effective Ways to Beat Your Cravings (Plus CMT Vs MBRP)

When you are attempting to make changes to your drinking habits or drug use, it can be frustrating trying to figure out how to control urges. You might be doing your best to avoid taking drugs or drinking, but you still find yourself having drug and alcohol urges or cravings. Not all is lost, however.  […]