CheckUp & Choices is proud to show you years of substance abuse research that helped to create the critical data that changes lives. With the use of independent studies, innovative technology, and more, this platform was developed with the goal of teaching its users the key areas in life they struggle with that can lead to problems with drugs and alcohol use.
This program does not treat or fix addiction problems. Instead, it was designed for those who have struggled with finding success in more traditional programs because they require continuous commitment and interruption of your daily life. CheckUp & Choices encourages everyone to conduct their own substance abuse research by looking at the different programs that offer help in order to find the one that best works for you.
If that’s a different program, then we wish you all the best. However, if you find that these other options require a personal commitment you are not prepared to make or are interested in making, then we encourage you to learn more about this platform and how it can help. Understanding the challenges you face throughout the day is instrumental in taking back control of your decision making and your life.
Feel free to take our free screener to determine if this is for you or continue to browse our site to learn more.