This is a wellness program. It is educational and not treatment. It is not a substitute for a full evaluation or treatment by a healthcare professional. While the information provided here is based on sound scientific research, each person is unique. This program is a self-guided, interactive version of self-help.
Should you have any healthcare-related or mental health care-related questions, please call or see your qualified healthcare practitioner promptly. Always consult with local professionals, such as physicians, psychologists, psychotherapists or other qualified healthcare, spiritual or religious leaders, or their associate practitioners before starting on a program of personal change. Never disregard medical advice or mental health treatment or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard here.
You will not be engaging in a therapist-patient relationship in any way when you access or engage in this program. This program is not directly or indirectly practicing psychotherapy nor dispensing medical or psychotherapeutic services. If you experience problems with subscribing or registering to use the program, please contact us. If the program crashes or gives you error messages, please contact us. We will respond to these questions.
We cannot and will not provide individualized medical advice or respond to your questions that would be more appropriate to ask a healthcare professional. If you do not have a therapist or physician consider this resource from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.