Blood Alcohol Concentration Levels Chart/BAC & Effects – 0.11, 0.16, 0.17 (2024 Update)


Are you having some alcohol-related problems? Or just concerned that you may be drinking too much at home, wondering how much your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) affects you. As we enter celebratory periods in 2023 these concerns may be especially top of mind. If you’re not feeling adverse effects at higher levels of consumption levels, it suggests you’ve developed some tolerance (aka “being able to hold your liquor”). Tolerance though puts you at risk for alcohol related problems.

This is one of a series of blog posts on moderate drinking. The others are available here:

These effects described below are reprinted with permission from Dr. William R. Miller’s publication, Alcohol and its effects on behavior.

What Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Is & Why it’s Important to Understand BAC Effects

For many, enjoying an alcoholic beverage can be a way to unwind or celebrate. Yet, as with most substances, the effects of alcohol vary widely depending on how much you consume. One of the key measures of alcohol in the bloodstream is known as Blood Alcohol Concentration, or BAC. This percentage indicates the amount of alcohol circulating in your bloodstream relative to water and other components. Higher BAC levels mean more pronounced effects and increased risks.

Understanding your BAC isn’t just a matter of legality when it comes to driving; it’s a crucial component of ensuring both personal and public safety. For those who are trying to cut back or completely quit alcohol, having a clear knowledge of how different BAC levels impact one’s body and behavior can be a valuable tool. It can guide you in making informed choices and understanding the immediate consequences of those choices.

In this article, we’ll explore different BAC levels, their associated effects, risk factors, and some recommendations for each stage. Whether you’re seeking knowledge for personal growth or to support someone on their journey to reduce or quit alcohol, this guide aims to offer clarity on the intricate relationship between alcohol consumption and its impact on the body and mind.

BAC Levels & Their Effects Chart

BAC Level

Physical and Mental Effects

Risk Factors


0.01 – 0.03%

– Almost indiscernible effects

– Some loss of judgement

– Slight body warmth

– Impaired judgment can start even at this low level

– Still below legal limit in many places, but always best to not drive

0.04 – 0.06%

– Feelings of relaxation

– Lowered inhibitions

– Sensation of warmth

– Minor impairment in reasoning & memory

– Reduced coordination

– Reduced ability to track moving objects

– Definitely avoid operating heavy machinery or driving

0.07 – 0.09%

– Mild impairment of balance, speech, vision, and control

– Judgment and self-control reduced

– Reduced ability to concentrate

– Short-term memory loss

– Above legal limit in many countries

– Do not drive

0.10 – 0.12%

– Significant impairment in motor coordination and loss of good judgment

– Speech may be slurred

– Reduced ability to process information

– Risk of injury

– Do not drive or operate machinery

– Increased risk of harmful behaviors

0.13 – 0.15%

– Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control

– Blurred vision and major loss of balance.

– Risk of accident for any activity

– Potential blackout

– Seek assistance if needed

– Do not be alone

0.16 – 0.20%

– Nausea can appear

– The drinker may appear sloppy.

– Vomiting may occur (which can lead to choking)

– Blackouts likely

– Stay in a safe place

– Monitor for signs of alcohol poisoning


– Needs assistance to walk or stand

– Increased risk of injury or accident

– Potential for serious aggressive behavior or stupor

– Potential loss of consciousness

– Risk of respiratory depression and death

– Immediate medical attention required

– Do not leave person alone

0.21 – 0.29%

– Severe motor impairment

– Loss of consciousness

– Memory blackout

– Danger of life-threatening alcohol poisoning

– Significant risk of respiratory depression

– Immediate medical attention required

– Do not leave the person alone

0.30 – 0.35%

– Complete loss of consciousness

– Bladder function impaired

– Heart rate and temperature can drop

– Equivalent to surgical anesthesia

– Risk of sudden death

– This is a medical emergency

– Seek immediate hospitalization

≥ 0.40%

– Coma is possible

– Life-threatening respiratory depression

– Major risk of sudden death

– Extremely high risk of respiratory failure

– Risk of irreversible brain damage

– This is a critical medical emergency

– Immediate hospitalization is essential

Factors That Can Affect BAC:

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) doesn’t only depend on the amount of alcohol you consume. Several variables can influence how quickly alcohol is absorbed, metabolized, and eliminated from the body. Understanding these factors is essential to anticipate how alcohol may affect you on different occasions. Here are the main determinants of an individual’s BAC:

Weight: Generally, people who weigh more have a higher volume of blood, which means the alcohol they consume is more diluted in their body. However, two people of the same weight might still metabolize alcohol differently, leading to different BACs.

Sex: Biological differences between men and women can influence BAC. Women often metabolize alcohol differently than men due to variations in enzyme activity and fat-to-water ratios. As a result, women might reach a higher BAC faster than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol.

Food Intake: Consuming alcohol on an empty stomach can result in a faster rise in BAC since food slows the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. A meal before drinking, especially one rich in proteins and fats, can moderate the effects of alcohol.

Rate of Alcohol Consumption: Downing several drinks in a short span can spike your BAC quickly, while drinking the same amount over several hours will likely result in a lower peak BAC.

Type of Alcoholic Beverage: Different beverages have varying alcohol content. For example, a standard serving of beer usually has less alcohol than a standard serving of distilled spirits. However, consuming large volumes of a low-alcohol drink can still result in a high BAC.

Medications or Drugs: Some medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can interact with alcohol, affecting its metabolism or amplifying its effects. Always consult with a healthcare provider about potential interactions.

Metabolic Rate: Some people naturally metabolize alcohol faster than others. Factors like age, liver health, and genetics can influence how quickly your body processes and eliminates alcohol.

Tolerance: Over time, regular drinkers might develop a tolerance to alcohol, meaning they might require more alcohol to achieve the same effects. However, it’s crucial to understand that tolerance does not change BAC. A seasoned drinker might feel less impaired than a novice at the same BAC, but their actual risk level—especially for activities like driving—remains the same.

Effects of Chronic High BAC Levels:

Consistently maintaining high Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels is not just a short-term risk. Over time, the persistent presence of high alcohol levels in the bloodstream can have damaging and lasting impacts on multiple systems within the body. Chronic exposure to elevated BACs is linked to a myriad of health complications and can significantly diminish an individual’s quality of life.

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Regularly consuming large amounts of alcohol can lead to alcohol dependence, a key component of AUD. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that an estimated 14.5 million Americans aged 12 and older had AUD in 2019. This disorder is characterized by an inability to manage drinking habits, leading to detrimental impacts on personal and professional life (1).

Liver Damage: The liver is responsible for processing and breaking down alcohol. Chronic high BAC levels exert continuous pressure on the liver, leading to conditions like fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol is the leading cause of liver cirrhosis in many countries (2).

Brain Health: Prolonged excessive alcohol consumption can lead to disruptions in the brain’s structure and function. It can affect areas of the brain involved in judgment, behavior, learning, and memory. Over time, these disruptions can lead to persistent cognitive deficits, including diminished mental capacity and difficulty with motor coordination (3).

Cardiovascular Disease: High BAC levels over extended periods increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. The American Heart Association notes that while moderate drinking might have some heart benefits for certain populations, excessive drinking can lead to cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, high blood pressure, and strokes (4).

Digestive Problems: Chronic alcohol consumption can interfere with the digestive tract’s function, leading to issues like gastritis, ulcers, and pancreatitis.

Immune System Suppression: Consistent high BAC levels can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to diseases. According to the NIAAA, alcohol can impair the immune system’s pathogen-fighting ability, compromising the body’s defense against infectious diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis (5).

Increased Risk of Cancers: Alcohol is a known carcinogen. Prolonged high BAC levels have been linked to an increased risk of several cancers, including mouth, esophagus, throat, liver, breast, and colon.

Mental Health Implications: Apart from physiological health impacts, chronic high BAC levels can lead to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and increased risk of suicide.

Tools to Measure Your BAC:

Whether you’re a social drinker, someone trying to reduce alcohol consumption, or merely curious about your body’s response to alcohol, having tools to measure Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) can be invaluable. Understanding your BAC can help you make informed decisions about further drinking, know when it’s safe to drive, and recognize your body’s limits. Here are some of the most common tools available for measuring BAC:


Description: Breathalyzers are the most commonly recognized tool for estimating BAC. They work by measuring the amount of alcohol present in one’s breath and then calculating the estimated BAC.

Pros: Portable, instant results, and relatively easy to use.

Cons: Accuracy can vary based on the quality of the device, calibration, and user error. To obtain a precise reading, it’s essential to wait at least 15-20 minutes after drinking.

Disposable Alcohol Test Strips:

Description: These are single-use strips that change color based on the alcohol content in saliva.

Pros: Compact, inexpensive, and easy to carry around.

Cons: Less accurate than electronic breathalyzers and can be influenced by factors like recent food consumption.

Mobile Apps:

Description: Several smartphone apps claim to estimate BAC based on factors you input, such as weight, gender, type, and quantity of alcohol consumed, and the duration of drinking.

Pros: Convenient as most people always have their smartphones on hand.

Cons: Only provides estimates based on the information entered, not actual BAC measurements. Reliability can vary significantly between apps.

Professional Blood Tests:

Description: A blood test conducted in a medical setting provides the most accurate measurement of BAC.

Pros: Highly accurate.

Cons: Invasive, not immediate (requires lab processing), and usually not practical for casual or on-the-spot BAC checking.

Smart Wearables:

Description: In recent years, some wearable devices have been developed that can monitor BAC through skin contact. These devices measure alcohol content through sweat and provide real-time feedback.

Pros: Continuous monitoring and real-time updates can be synced with smartphones.

Cons: Might not be as accurate as blood tests or high-quality breathalyzers. Requires the user to wear the device consistently.

About CheckUp & Choices

CheckUp & Choices is a trusted substance use management program dedicated to providing subscribers with the best alcohol and drug misuse programs possible with a non-judgmental and empowering approach. You will never have to worry about your situation getting out to those you don’t want to know, as we keep your information confidential. The program is entirely confidential and self-guided, providing you with all the resources to meet your goals at your own pace in the comfort and privacy of your own home.


  1. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol Facts and Statistics” ↩
  2. World Health Organization. “Alcohol and the liver” ↩
  3. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol’s Effects on the Brain” ↩
  4. American Heart Association. “Alcohol and Heart Health” ↩
  5. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol and the Immune System” ↩