Our free alcohol screener will give you objective feedback about your drinking and can recommend whether or not to continue with the CheckUp.

You can also skip the CheckUp and go straight to our Choices programs that empower you to cut back or quit.


Our Moderate Drinking program is a confidential online program.

It has been clinically proven to help people achieve and maintain moderation. If you’re unsure about changing, start with the Screener. If you want to skip the screener and Checkup, click here to get started with our Moderate Drinking protocol in our Choices program.

We donate a substantial portion of your subscription fee to Moderation Management–so you can help others while helping yourself.

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Our screener asks ten questions about your drinking to get you started. Want more detailed feedback and recommendations? Get Started and sign up for the full CheckUp.


Our 30 minute CheckUp helps you take a detailed look at your drinking, gives you personalized, objective feedback, and helps you consider ways to change.


Want to cut back? Our Moderate program helps you decide what level of drinking is right for you and guides you to develop skills that will become positive long-term habits. This confidential evidence-based program will help you develop a better understanding of your drinking, including any risks (e.g., helath-related problems, etc.) it might pose. Our program utilizes clinically validated, cognitive-behavioral tools to help you learn about your triggers, address your cravings, and manage your moods to ultimately develop the skills to succeed in making changes.


Our evidence-based programs are the culmination of years of rigorous research, millions of dollars of National Institutes of Health grants, multiple randomized clinical trials, and peer-reviewed publications that document outcomes.


How? Simple exercises help you progress at your own pace. The program structure helps these new habits stick. We’ll email you weekly tasks to guide your progress. After 12 weeks, CheckIn. This shorter, follow-up assessment will provide updated feedback based on the changes you’ve made.


Randomized clinical trials have shown that our CheckUp alone is enough to motivate people to adjust their habits. We’ve also tested our Choices programs and found that participants maintained the changes they made long after completing the program. If you want to change, we can help.


We’re committed to giving you solutions that work. Our research has been peer-reviewed and published in leading scientific journals. Our protocols for alcohol have been evaluated in randomized clinical trials that were supported by grants from NIAAA/NIH. Parts of our programs have been listed on SAMHSA’s National Register of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.